Integration FAQ

What protocols do you support?

HTTP/HTTPS (GET requests)

What formats do you support?

We need you to publish the units in a JSON format.

What kind of API authorization do you support?

Please see the in depth integrations page.

How often can the platform update unit information?

The pull interval can be configured while setting up the integration. The minimum time is 20 min.

Can we push information to you?

No, not at the moment.

What happens if we add a unit to our api?

When new units appear you/we will manually have to re-sync the integration.

What happens if we remove a unit from our api?

If a unit is removed from your api, the unit will not be updated anymore. You will have the option to remove it. A better option might be to change the status of the unit to remove/hide it.

We updated the unit information but it is not displayed in the Unit Finder?

There can be several minutes before all information is updated in the Unit Finder due to caching or the interval not being run yet.

Do we need to have the same field and value names as you have?

No. Your names can be mapped to our unit model while doing the integration.

Do you have a test environment?

Not in the normal sense. When you configure the integration you have the possibility to test that all properties match the api, before you enable the integration.

What fields are required on a unit?

The most important field is the GUID’. A GUID can take many forms.

It's usually a number that you use to identify the unit across your other systems.

  • It can be a database ID that comes from your CRM
  • It can be a manual ID that comprises of a codes for regions, cities, types etc.

The important part is that it is unique within your organization and doesn’t change over time. Here are a few examples:


Also name, and status are required.

What fields and values per unit do you support?

Please see the in depth integrations page for a list of the required and recommended fields. For the complete list, please contact us.

Can we manually trigger an update?


What happens if our json api goes offline?

We will attempt to fetch the data again on the next scheduled time. After 3 failed attempts the integration will be paused. It will then have to be manually activated again.